Thursday, 16 December 2010

Checkley Brook Cyder on Countrywise

It's been just under a week since Checkley Brook Cyder was on ITV's Countrywise Kitchen. Apart from the nervous anticipation I quite enjoyed watching. Fortunately we were only on for three minutes or so so it wasn't too excruciating. People have been taking the mike out of my accent; I was trying to sound posh - i.e. not swear on prime time TV. Anyway it was good to see more hits on the website - though no sales have materialised yet. Oh well if it had been too popular I probably wouldn't have enough for demand supplying three pubs already. A big thanks to all the Countrywise crew for making it happen.

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook

Thursday, 2 December 2010

cyder on TV

Another social media advert for my fifteen minutes of fame (ti'll only
be a couple really). Checkley Brook on TV, woo! yay! Watch me trying to
be serious and not swearing. Wonderful cameo rolls for Simon Bates (le
Grand Fromager himself), Sarah tea maker par excellence and Hazel in a

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook