The event is limited to 400 people due to fire regulations. This keeps it feeling a small, friendly and cosy festival. On the friday night there was a ceilidh with lots of people dancing intoxicated on Ross Cider delicious cider and perry. On Saturday there was a demonstration of cider making.
Ross cider has invested in a new type of press which uses water pressure to do the pressing. The pressure only goes up to two and a half bar which is quite amazing as my hydraulic press goes up to 380 bar! The juice is extracted slowly so should be of good quality.
Ross cider invites other cider producers to come and sell their wares at the festival which is nice of them! The Marchers Cyder Circle's Palmer's Upland Cyder was there. Other present were Tom Oliver, Greggs Pitt, Gwatkins, Swallowfields, Seidr Dai and Carey Organic. Needless to say we tried them all over the day and bought a few to take home with us too.
Throughout Saturday there were various folk musicians playing for our entertainment
There was also fantastic food available all weekend so we didn't really have to take any food with us. We'll certainly be going next year.
Herefordshire Cider at Checkley Brook