Monday, 30 August 2010

Cyder at the Quy Mill Festival

Just spent a lovely day at the Quy Mill Kestival Quy Mill Festival selling my bottled cyder from a stall for the first time. It was a great experience and I met loads of lovely people including Tony from My Chocolate Explosion. Got lots of good adive from fellow stall holders and good feedback for the cyder. If people are aware it is dry before they drink it - it goes down well. It is too dry for many members of the public though. Will certainly love to go next year when the event will be bigger.

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Cyder at specialist off licence

The specialist off licence Bacchanalia in Mill Road Cambridge will be the first to stock our bottled cyder. Hurrah! Ed the manager obviously knows his stuff. first delivery tomorrow!

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook

Friday, 20 August 2010

The Quy Mill fair

Come to the Quy Mill Festival at the Cambridge Quy Mill Hotel
& Country Inn this coming bank holday Monday. There will be plenty to do and I will be selling my cyder on a stall. The organisers expect a bout a thousand people. Live music and hog roast too!

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Cyder bottled!

Just finished my first bottling run for our cyder. Thanks to Mark from Moonshine Breweries and the chaps from Iceni for the help and advice they gave me on this particular journey.

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Fordham Festival

The Fordham Music Festival starts tomorrow. Lots of great music and great cyder including our own. Come down and have some fun.

Herefordshire Cyder at Checkley Brook